Travel Vaccines

Home » Travel Vaccines

If you’re planning a trip, we can help! We’ll help you understand the risks of where you are traveling to and what kind of protection you will need. We’ll inform you about high-risk travel destinations, health and sanitary issues, and general health information for adults and children.

We suggest discussing your travel arrangements 6 months in advance of traveling as multiple immunisations are required deepening of the country.

All the doctors have an interest in travel medicine.

The Doctors will provide individual medical advice on international health risks on a location by location basis, provide a full range of vaccinations on site, as well as assess malaria risk and advise on strategies to prevent other insect-borne diseases.

Most travel vaccinations and medications are available for purchase through the Women’s Health Hub.



Do you have any questions?

We're happy to provide more information.

Give us a call at 03 8652 5441